Monday, December 5, 2011

I Love My Family

In this year of sadness, I am trying to step back and remind myself of what makes me happy. You know what it is. That kiddo. She truly is amazing. And that husband of mine is pretty awesome too!

I wish I could recall all the funny and quirky things she has said, but no matter what she does or says, I am left smiling. I am very grateful for her and feel lucky she is in our lives.

Just had to share...I needed a happy thought right now.

Monday, November 21, 2011


A couple funny anecdotes...


Grace was giving her trucks a "bath" in the bathroom sink. I warned her she had five minutes to finish up, then two minutes, then time to clean up and get ready for bed. I brought her two jammie options.

Me: Grace, do you want to wear ballerina jammies or polka dot jammies?
Grace (playing with trucks): I don't want jammies Mommy.
Me: It's time to get ready for bed. Which ones? Ballerina jammies or polka dot jammies?
Grace (giving me a cursory glance and saying nonchalantly while playing with trucks): I don't want jammies, but thank you anyway Mommy.


Grace was a bit cranky--tired, hungry. She hadn't napped and had refused to eat dinner (she's in a picky eating phase). She opened the fridge to get a snack, but grabbed chocolate soy milk instead. I told her she couldn't have chocolate until she ate some food. She was understandably upset, but finally ate some food. Then ate ravenously and asked for more. While I prepared more, I told her she could have the rest of her milk since she had had some food. She smiled and drank her milk, then said, "Chocolate makes me happy."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grace's PreK Photo

Not too happy! We are actually looking at switching schools. If not this year, definitely for next year. She begs not to go to school each school day. : (

Chit Chat

We have two little pumpkins left over from Halloween. Grace plays with them. Here's the dialogue:

[Pumpkin 1]: You a orange?
[Pumpkin 2]: I not a orange, I a pumpkin. You a orange?
[Pumpkin 1]: I not a orange, I a pumpkin.


It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To

It's hard to take a tantrum seriously when the tantrum-thrower dons an Elmo party hat.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Time to Give Thanks

It has been a long time since my last post. In that time, we had a miscarriage. This was the third one. It was the hardest one as we were the farthest along this time and had been so hopeful. We have been so lucky to have an amazing kiddo...and love her so much it hurts. We so very much hope for another, but have not had the good fortune of making it happen.

2011 has been a difficult year. The year began with the sudden and unexpected loss of my grandmother, followed shortly thereafter by the startling loss of my uncle. In between I personally experienced great stress at work and missed out on seeing my family many nights. I experienced a health scare. And then this last loss...we were brimming with hope of a little baby and were so excited. It has been a truly difficult time.

Now 2011 is coming to an end...and it is time to reflect on what we are thankful for. It's a reminder, to me at least, that we do certainly have much to be thankful for in the midst of all our sadness this year.

First, I am so incredibly thankful for my little family...Patrick and Grace. Coming home to them is the best part of my day. I am thankful, too, for our extended family, both near and far. For Pat's parents, Grace's Ta and Grand and GG, and the major role they play in Grace's life. She has such a strong relationship with them and loves them so much. And I certainly appreciate all of their support. For my parents, who keep a strong bond over Skype. Grace loves her Grammy and Grampy very much. For our brothers and their families. For our Aunts and uncles and cousins. Family is everything to me and I feel so grateful for the wonderful family we have...on both sides!

Though I have had a stressful year at work, I am grateful that I am employed full time. I work for a great company with the best colleagues and the greatest supervisors. I have grown and learned so much from the company and the company continues to show great respect, professionalism, and appreciation for its employees.

I am grateful for my friends. I know I can reach out to them when I need someone to lean on and to listen.

I am grateful for being in good health (knock wood!). For all of us being in good health (knock knock!).

When I was experiencing the miscarriage, I kept my sadness at bay around Grace and, of course, didn't explain it to her. But, children sense things. She walked up to me while I was in the kitchen washing dishes or cooking something. She patted me on my arm and said, "Mommy, the best year ever. You'll see." I was startled and said, "What did you say?" She repeated with a smile, "The best year ever. You'll see." I hope she's right.

May 2012 be a good year for us all!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Grace and School

Grace is loving school now! Yay! In fact, we have been reading the "I Love School" book repeatedly each night, by request. She's talking about her teachers and singing classroom songs. It makes me so happy to know she's happy to be in preK now!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Grace woke up this morning and said "House? Watch House Mommy?" She's referring to "Bear in the Big Blue House," a favorite show. I said, "I don't know kiddo, let me think about it." Grace responded, "Just one episode?" First time I heard her say "episode." She's so funny.

School Update

Gracie goes to school three days a week. Monday and Wednesday of her first full week were rough. She kept saying "I don't want to go to school" and "Mommy don't leave me." She would cling to me and cry and scream.

Friday was better. She still said the same things, but once we go to school, I was able to get her to participate in one of the table activities. When she was distracted, I slipped out. I think it was a tear-free morning. Her Grand, who picked her up from school, said she came running out with friends. Progress! Now she's talking about school a little ("Mommy, I have teachers!"), so that's a good sign.

Pat and I went to her Back-to-School Nite to learn about her day in preK. It was nice to learn more about Grace's day. There were only two other sets of parents there. However, one mentioned her son would be having a birthday party soon and she planned on inviting the class. I look forward to that as it will be an opportunity for Grace to continue to build friendships and get to know her classmates.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Grace Loves School

When I walked into Grace's classroom to pick her up from school, she was in the process of trying to get her teacher to lay down next to her on the mat during rest time. When she saw me, she was so excited. As we gathered her things, she hugged her teachers. I don't know what she did that day exactly. The only thing she mentioned was playing on the playground and driving the toy car and saying, "beep, beep!" All in all, she had a big smile on her face and seemed very pleased with her first school experience. She even did a bit of a hop as we talked and walked to the car.


Yay for PreK!

Here's Grace running to get to her preschool!

On Wednesday we went for her preschool orientation so she could meet her teachers and a few classmates. Today was her official first day of school. She had a hard time sleeping last night and ended up coming into our bed at 11 pm and finally dozing off a while later. I don't know if she was excited or anxious...but hopefully she's in a pleasant mood for her teachers (she gets grumpy when she's tired!).

She was excited to get to her class and immediately sat down and started playing with puzzles. No tears shed on her part, nor on mine. We were both pretty excited. I am working from home so I have the chance to pick her up at the end of the school day. I just want to hear a first-hand account of the day! I will let you know how it goes!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Summer's End

So, it has been a while since the last post. Sorry about that! We've had a very busy summer! Some highlights:
  • Orlando trip: I had to fly to Orlando for business, so Grace and Pat joined me. They had fun together going to Universal Orlando and Sea World. Then we all went to Disney's Magic Kingdom so Grace could have breakfast with princesses. The breakfast was really well done, however, Grace was quite a grump. We left two hours after getting to the park so our princess could get some R & R. Alas, we'll have to try the Disney World trip again another day!
  • Lake trip to NJ: Grace rode a wave runner for the first time! She loved it!
  • Sesame Place: This amusement park is just 1 1/2 hour's drive away. We met up with Pat's cousin and his family and sister-in-law and her daughter (our niece). Three kids in total between ages 2 and 4, and five adults. It was a good time and nice to get the little cousins together for a day with Elmo and friends! This time Grace got to enjoy the water park, which we've missed enjoying in past trips.
Now we're preparing for the next adventure--Grace's first day of preschool! This Wednesday is her orientation where she'll meet her teachers and a few fellow classmates. I am so excited for her because I know school will be right up her alley. She's incredibly social. Case in point: While in the car with the window down, Grace saw a group of people exiting a deli and yelled out the window, "Hi people!" She's always saying hello and introducing herself to everyone. She gets so very excited when she's around kids especially. So, cross fingers, her first official day of preschool will go well!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Toddler Love: Fireworks or Friendship?

Here's Grace with her best friend and neighbor. As you can see, she's delighted to be sitting next to him in his new ride. Today we spent some more time with the neighbors. At one point, her friend hugged and kissed her square on the lips. They're quite a pair.

Grace went to bed talking about him nonstop. It's hard to say whether she is just excited to have a friend (this is her first friend, really), or whether she's a bit smitten. In any case, they enjoy each other's company. And Mom and Dad enjoy watching these two interact.

Happy 4th everybody! May you enjoy your own fireworks!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Shoes!

Gracie loves her new shoes! She, of course, picked them out. I wouldn't pick out anything like this! But she wouldn't take them off...well, that is, until it was bedtime.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekend Jaunts

Saturday is errand day. Patrick headed off to his photography class and Grace and I headed out to run errands. Lately, Grace has been asking for food every 6 minutes it seems (growth spurt?) so I suggested we go to one of her favorite places for lunch--Applebee's (I know, I don't get it either).

Shana: Grace, do you want to go to Applebee's for lunch?
Grace (face lighting up): What a great idea!

This seems to be her new catch phrase. Where she picked it up, I don't know. We headed to Bed Bath and Beyond, Babies r Us, then the grocery store. Headed home only to get her off to bed! Long day!

Today we all went to the Irish Festival. Grace was not in the best mood. She was crying about The Irish Festival was a bit disappointing. Coupled with Gracie's foul mood--well, let's just say we didn't stay for too long!

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Oh Daddy!"

Grace was in the kitchen, listening to music, wearing a tutu and tiara...the usual. She decided she wanted Daddy, so she called out, "Daddy? Oh, Daddy!!!" She yelled again, "Daddy?! Daddy!!"

As we heard his footsteps coming done the hallway, Gracie looked at me and said, "Daddy coming!"

When Daddy walked into the kitchen, Grace shouted happily, "I did it!"

Daddy, "Yes, you did girl."

Grace, "You're welcome!"

Grace's Big Girl Bed

Last weekend, we converted Grace's crib into a "big girl bed"--she was very excited about it!

Now we just need to help her understand when it is okay to get up. One night she woke up at 10 pm, came out of her room and said, "Good morning, Mama!"

Kids Say the Darndest Things, Part Two

While in a department store, Grace suddenly climbs in the middle of a clothing rack. I call for her and call for her and she remains quiet. After a minute or two, she comes to my side, looks up and says, "No more poops." Needless, to say, we found a bathroom shortly thereafter to change her!


Later that same afternoon, I was baking Patrick a cake for his birthday. Grace was in the kitchen with me. She opened a tall cabinet we have and appeared to look for a snack. Next thing I know, Grace is inside the cupboard.

Shana: Gracie, come out of there.
Grace: --
Shana: Grace come on out. Close the cupboard door.
Grace: --
Shana: Grace, are you making poops?
Grace (peeking out of the cupboard and pointing emphatically): No!! Go, Mama! Cook!

Needless to say we made a trip to the changing table again.


Grace and I went to the mall. While there, Grace picked out a pink bear. Since it was on sale, I bought it. When we got home, I put on some music (Grace LOVES music)...but instead of Gracie dancing, she had the bear "dance" and said in a singsong voice: "Go, Bear! Go, Bear! Dance, Bear!"


Grace has a play phone that plays music and rings. When no one has played with the toy, it will occasionally ring out on its own. One evening, as we were getting ready to read stories before getting Grace to bed, Grace was mid-climb up the couch when her toy phone rang. She stopped, climbed down, rushed to her phone and "answered" it: "Hello? Okay. Bye!" Then returned to climbing up the couch for her nightly story time!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things...

At an ice cream parlor, we sit and look over the sweet treats menu. Gracie is fussing and crying.

Pat: What's the matter girl?
Grace [crying]: I can't read!


On the way to the ferry to see Mommy off to work.

Shana: Grace, you know in a few months you will go to school.
Grace: That's really, really cool.


Grace dances in the kitchen to her favorite toddler tunes.

Shana: Wow, Grace, you're good at dancing.
Grace: Thank you, Mama. [Then takes a grandiose bow.]


While trying to get Grace ready for bed, she runs into our bedroom (a delay tactic), then peeks out our window. She sees our neighbors through their kitchen window and begins to shout out and says, "Hi." A dialogue ensues.

Grace: Good morning, J---!
Neighbor: It's not morning.
Shana (whispering to Grace): Say, "Good night!"
Grace (yelling): Good night! Sweet dreams!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

The day before Easter, Gracie Skyped with Grammy and Grampy in California so they could watch her open the Easter gifts they sent. She loved her new sandals and dresses. Thanks Grammy and Grampy!

Gracie unpacking her Easter basket...and eating a Reese's peanut butter egg. I told her she could have one candy a day...but later, she stole candy from the stash we gave to Grand, Ta, and GG.

Gracie immediately put on her new white shoes and a new dress her Grammy and Grampy sent her. She loves dressing up! Unfortunately wearing the shoes without socks caused her to get "boo boos" on her ankles...and she boohoo'd over it for some time after.

Happy Easter!

Here's Grace on Easter morning. She was most excited about the shoes in her Easter basket and wanted to wear them right away. Then she wanted to put on the dress that Grammy and Grampy sent her. Here she is dancing in her fancy dress and shoes to her favorite artist, Lady Gaga!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Long Overdue Update

I apologize for my long absence from the digital world. Rather than update everything that has happened since my last post, I'll just share some recent highlights. Most of you probably already know the ups and downs of the past months.

Back to the more delightful subject--Miss Grace. Grace is now over 2 years old and as amazing as ever. Her vocabulary is astounding and the sentences she comes up with are often amusing, surprising, or endearing. A few anecdotes...

A week or so ago, while I was making French toast, Grace pulled a chair up to the stove and climbed up to "help." She grabbed a cookbook and held it too close to the burner for my comfort. I told her not to hold the book so close to fire because it was dangerous. She repeated, "Dangerous." Then asked, "What happens?" I explained that if fire spreads and gets out of control people can get hurt and have trouble breathing. I pointed to the fire under the pan I was cooking in. I said, "When we control fire it is safe. See? The fire now is in control and helps us cook our food." She looked at me thoughtfully, then smiled and said, "Be right back." She climbed down from the chair and walked off down the hall. A few moments later she returned. Elatedly she announced, "Yay! I find it Mama!" I looked down and she stepped back up on the chair and handed me the TV remote control. "Controller, Mama."

Another time, I came home from work and was talking to Pat about something. Grace was in her jammies walking between us. I hear her say something about a diaper. So I asked, "Did you make poops Grace?" She said, "No. No, poops." Then after a pause, she turned and said, "Just toot."

Tonight I was trying to get Grace to come to the bathroom so I could blow dry her hair before she went to bed. She was trying to get me to read a story instead. I walked to the bathroom and said, "Come on Grace!" She yelled, "Mama!!!" and ran after me. I crouched down near her and said, "What kiddo?" She replied, "I'm missing Mama."

I can't tell you how much I love that kiddo...because there aren't words that exist to convey it. Let's just say she lights up my days and gives me a reason to keep breathing. Love that little nugget!