Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Long Overdue Update

I apologize for my long absence from the digital world. Rather than update everything that has happened since my last post, I'll just share some recent highlights. Most of you probably already know the ups and downs of the past months.

Back to the more delightful subject--Miss Grace. Grace is now over 2 years old and as amazing as ever. Her vocabulary is astounding and the sentences she comes up with are often amusing, surprising, or endearing. A few anecdotes...

A week or so ago, while I was making French toast, Grace pulled a chair up to the stove and climbed up to "help." She grabbed a cookbook and held it too close to the burner for my comfort. I told her not to hold the book so close to fire because it was dangerous. She repeated, "Dangerous." Then asked, "What happens?" I explained that if fire spreads and gets out of control people can get hurt and have trouble breathing. I pointed to the fire under the pan I was cooking in. I said, "When we control fire it is safe. See? The fire now is in control and helps us cook our food." She looked at me thoughtfully, then smiled and said, "Be right back." She climbed down from the chair and walked off down the hall. A few moments later she returned. Elatedly she announced, "Yay! I find it Mama!" I looked down and she stepped back up on the chair and handed me the TV remote control. "Controller, Mama."

Another time, I came home from work and was talking to Pat about something. Grace was in her jammies walking between us. I hear her say something about a diaper. So I asked, "Did you make poops Grace?" She said, "No. No, poops." Then after a pause, she turned and said, "Just toot."

Tonight I was trying to get Grace to come to the bathroom so I could blow dry her hair before she went to bed. She was trying to get me to read a story instead. I walked to the bathroom and said, "Come on Grace!" She yelled, "Mama!!!" and ran after me. I crouched down near her and said, "What kiddo?" She replied, "I'm missing Mama."

I can't tell you how much I love that kiddo...because there aren't words that exist to convey it. Let's just say she lights up my days and gives me a reason to keep breathing. Love that little nugget!

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