Monday, November 21, 2011


A couple funny anecdotes...


Grace was giving her trucks a "bath" in the bathroom sink. I warned her she had five minutes to finish up, then two minutes, then time to clean up and get ready for bed. I brought her two jammie options.

Me: Grace, do you want to wear ballerina jammies or polka dot jammies?
Grace (playing with trucks): I don't want jammies Mommy.
Me: It's time to get ready for bed. Which ones? Ballerina jammies or polka dot jammies?
Grace (giving me a cursory glance and saying nonchalantly while playing with trucks): I don't want jammies, but thank you anyway Mommy.


Grace was a bit cranky--tired, hungry. She hadn't napped and had refused to eat dinner (she's in a picky eating phase). She opened the fridge to get a snack, but grabbed chocolate soy milk instead. I told her she couldn't have chocolate until she ate some food. She was understandably upset, but finally ate some food. Then ate ravenously and asked for more. While I prepared more, I told her she could have the rest of her milk since she had had some food. She smiled and drank her milk, then said, "Chocolate makes me happy."

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