Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekend Jaunts

Saturday is errand day. Patrick headed off to his photography class and Grace and I headed out to run errands. Lately, Grace has been asking for food every 6 minutes it seems (growth spurt?) so I suggested we go to one of her favorite places for lunch--Applebee's (I know, I don't get it either).

Shana: Grace, do you want to go to Applebee's for lunch?
Grace (face lighting up): What a great idea!

This seems to be her new catch phrase. Where she picked it up, I don't know. We headed to Bed Bath and Beyond, Babies r Us, then the grocery store. Headed home only to get her off to bed! Long day!

Today we all went to the Irish Festival. Grace was not in the best mood. She was crying about The Irish Festival was a bit disappointing. Coupled with Gracie's foul mood--well, let's just say we didn't stay for too long!

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

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