Saturday, September 17, 2011

School Update

Gracie goes to school three days a week. Monday and Wednesday of her first full week were rough. She kept saying "I don't want to go to school" and "Mommy don't leave me." She would cling to me and cry and scream.

Friday was better. She still said the same things, but once we go to school, I was able to get her to participate in one of the table activities. When she was distracted, I slipped out. I think it was a tear-free morning. Her Grand, who picked her up from school, said she came running out with friends. Progress! Now she's talking about school a little ("Mommy, I have teachers!"), so that's a good sign.

Pat and I went to her Back-to-School Nite to learn about her day in preK. It was nice to learn more about Grace's day. There were only two other sets of parents there. However, one mentioned her son would be having a birthday party soon and she planned on inviting the class. I look forward to that as it will be an opportunity for Grace to continue to build friendships and get to know her classmates.

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