Friday, December 19, 2008

38 Weeks

This my belly as of yesterday, the end of 38 weeks.

I went to the doctor yesterday for my regular check up and am almost completely effaced. My doctor keeps asking if I want to be induced because he goes on vacation after Christmas and he wants to deliver my baby. Of course, I say no. But, I believe Grace is on her way soon. I keep thinking she will be born before Christmas. Only time will tell for sure! Perhaps the next post on this blog will be after her birth!

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. I think of you all often...and I didn't manage Christmas cards this year. My apologies! I hope Santa treats you all well...and that the new year brings love and happiness!

– Shana


Aunt Patty said...

Hang in there Shana Girl....You are in my thoughts and prayers. Grace will arrive soon enough and so glad you did not go for "inducement". Love you both, Aunt Patty

Merry Christmas.....hopefully, Grace will be here to share it in 2008.

Laura said...

I hope Santa brings you an effortless birth and a healthy arrival of baby Grace!