Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grace's 18 Month Check Up

Grace's doctor's visit went pretty well. She's wise to the whole doctor's office thing. She was happy as could be in the waiting room, but as soon as a nurse opened the door and called her name, she shook her head and said, "No" repeatedly as we carried her in. Then, unfortunately, the nurse that Grace hates was the one to take her measurements, so, naturally, she screamed and fussed a bit. After the nurse measured her length, Grace began doing the sign for "All done" and kept saying, "Done" and "Bye" to the poor nurse.

When the doctor came to examine her, Grace was back in tears. Keep in mind, this was before the shots! She kept telling our doctor, "Bye!" On the upside, when the doctor asked about Grace's development and learned about how well Grace speaks and understands, she suggested Grace might be ready for potty training. I informed her that we do have a potty for Grace (Grace can say "pee" and "potty" too now) and that she sits on it when I go to the potty myself. She also knows she can use toilet paper when she goes on the potty (a huge selling point).

When the doctor left to get the vaccines, Grace was ready to go. She kept repeating, "Bye" and "Door." Then she tried to get Daddy and Mommy ready by putting our sunglasses on our faces...she was quite disappointed when the doctor showed up again. She screamed during the shots, and made the "All done" sign again. Afterwards, the doctor said, "You don't have to come back for six months now!" Grace clapped and said, "Yay!" After leaving the doctor's office, Grace was right as rain again!

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