Friday, July 23, 2010

Gracie at the Zoo

I will be traveling for work soon, so I took today off to spend it with my family! Pat, Pat's mom, Gracie, and I went to the Bronx Zoo today! It was a hot, muggy, and rainy day...but we had a great time nonetheless!

We spent a lot of time initially visiting the "World of Birds" (Grace loves birds). We saw a few birds cleaning themselves with their beaks. Gracie and I began to mimic them (it was really quite cute).

Then we strolled around and saw giraffes, ostriches, peacocks, alligators, ducks, geese, bison, owls, tamarin, etc. This picture was taken at the children's area of the zoo. Gracie had a blast there and made some friends too! She loves other kids...and there were plenty to meet here! And she was able to practice some animal noises--mimicking the rooster's cockadoodledoo, clucking and flapping her "wings" like a chicken, quacking like a duck. On our way out, we stopped by to see the sea lions--they were a big hit! Grace also imitated the sea lions' barking. We had to spend quite a bit of time there. And the 2 month old sea lion was especially cute!

All in all, we had a memorable time. I am going to miss my Gracie while away for work. But I am so glad I have this memory to take with me...and I am so eager to get back home to her smiling face (or grumpy face--I love all her faces!).

Monday, July 12, 2010

Constant State of Panic

I feel like being a mother means I am in a constant state of panic. I love my daughter more than I thought possible. Sometimes it is overwhelming.

I just finished reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and was a complete wreck when I finished it on the subway this morning. If you aren't familiar with it, it is a lecture about living, written by a professor who found out he had just months to live. In part, it is a time capsule for his three children, 6, 3, and 1 1/2 years old at the time. Something to remember their father by. The mere thought of losing precious time with Grace is breaks my heart just to think of it. I realize I am not in control. I cannot protect Grace from every danger or every heartache...and therein lies the problem. Hence the constant state of panic. Most days I keep it in check, other days I am overwhelmed by the thought that I can't protect her from everything.

Thinking of the book, I put myself in Randy Pausch's could I ever say goodbye to my 1 1/2 year old? I hope I never have to...not for a long time to come at least. I would want her to know, that even at 18 months, I can see how strong she is, how incredibly smart, and perceptive. She amazes me every day. I am so lucky.

I love how she holds my hand and leads me around the room. How she insists that I "sit" on the floor and help her cook in her kitchen. I love that she shares...everything. Hugs, toys, a good laugh. I love how she giggles. I love that she pokes herself in the belly button and makes a munching sound like her belly is eating her finger. I love that I can ask her where her "nostril" is, and she smiles slyly and puts a finger up her nose. I love hearing her talk to her stuffed animal menagerie each morning. I love her curiosity and strong will. I am amazed at her memory and intellect. She is such an incredible person...I am a proud mama. I want us to be in each other's lives for many many years. There is so much more I want to know about Gracie. And there's already so much to love.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grace's 18 Month Check Up

Grace's doctor's visit went pretty well. She's wise to the whole doctor's office thing. She was happy as could be in the waiting room, but as soon as a nurse opened the door and called her name, she shook her head and said, "No" repeatedly as we carried her in. Then, unfortunately, the nurse that Grace hates was the one to take her measurements, so, naturally, she screamed and fussed a bit. After the nurse measured her length, Grace began doing the sign for "All done" and kept saying, "Done" and "Bye" to the poor nurse.

When the doctor came to examine her, Grace was back in tears. Keep in mind, this was before the shots! She kept telling our doctor, "Bye!" On the upside, when the doctor asked about Grace's development and learned about how well Grace speaks and understands, she suggested Grace might be ready for potty training. I informed her that we do have a potty for Grace (Grace can say "pee" and "potty" too now) and that she sits on it when I go to the potty myself. She also knows she can use toilet paper when she goes on the potty (a huge selling point).

When the doctor left to get the vaccines, Grace was ready to go. She kept repeating, "Bye" and "Door." Then she tried to get Daddy and Mommy ready by putting our sunglasses on our faces...she was quite disappointed when the doctor showed up again. She screamed during the shots, and made the "All done" sign again. Afterwards, the doctor said, "You don't have to come back for six months now!" Grace clapped and said, "Yay!" After leaving the doctor's office, Grace was right as rain again!