Thursday, March 19, 2009


About a week ago, Grace developed bumps all over her skin. They seemed to diminish...but have now turned into dry, patchy, red spots all over her legs and arms, some on her cheeks and a few spots on her torso. We took her to the pediatrician today and returned with the diagnosis that Grace has eczema. The doctor told us it could be due to an allergy-a change of detergent or fabric softener-or simply genetic. Poor girl. So, now she will be getting a lotion massage twice a day! I suppose that doesn't seem too rough for our little one! In any case, we were given a perscription for a cream and told that it should probably clear up within a week. 

Grace is nearly 3 months old now. She is talking a lot...and quite happy, even with the skin irritation. She weighed in at just over 11 lbs today. I can't wait to see her achieve more milestones...and at the same time, I dread them! I want her to grow up...but not too quickly! I love her to pieces. Every moment with her is a happy one!

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