Saturday, March 28, 2009

Big Outing

Grace has had quite a busy day! She attended her cousin Brian's 1 year birthday party and met many relatives for the first time! It was also her first out-of-state visit. At times she was overhwelmed, but overall she seemed to do well! Now she is sound asleep, thankfully! 

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Grace says, "Hello!"

Our little cutie!

This photo was taken today! Grace slept in until 8 am...and she has been a happy camper! Even more so since getting her eczema treated! Yay!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


About a week ago, Grace developed bumps all over her skin. They seemed to diminish...but have now turned into dry, patchy, red spots all over her legs and arms, some on her cheeks and a few spots on her torso. We took her to the pediatrician today and returned with the diagnosis that Grace has eczema. The doctor told us it could be due to an allergy-a change of detergent or fabric softener-or simply genetic. Poor girl. So, now she will be getting a lotion massage twice a day! I suppose that doesn't seem too rough for our little one! In any case, we were given a perscription for a cream and told that it should probably clear up within a week. 

Grace is nearly 3 months old now. She is talking a lot...and quite happy, even with the skin irritation. She weighed in at just over 11 lbs today. I can't wait to see her achieve more milestones...and at the same time, I dread them! I want her to grow up...but not too quickly! I love her to pieces. Every moment with her is a happy one!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Big Day

Grace had quite a busy day today! My friends Ian and Melanie came over for a visit. Pat's friends Jess and Nick came over as well. Stimulation overload! Grace was up the entire time...and now she is pooped and napping (thankfully!). She hasn't had so much activity in the apartment before! 

Grace has been very chatty all day too. The latest thing is that she "chats" when I am reading her a book. I can't tell if she is commenting on it or trying to read it herself! She has clear book faves though. She enjoys Sandra Boynton books and will talk and stomp her feet and wave her hands during the reading. She is attentive to every pages, but seems even more attuned to certain pages of the books. I wake her up with "Barnyard Dance" and end the night with "Pajama Time." I recently ordered some more Boynton books, so we will see if she has any new faves in the future!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I love how Grace smiles in her sleep...
I love her cowlick in the middle of her head...and how her downy hair sticks straight up in that spot...
I love how she raises one pinky up as she eats...
I love that she crosses her ankles when she is relaxed...
I love that she wakes up with a smile...
I love that she smiles with her tongue sticking out...
I love that she talks to her mobile friends...
I love how light and shadow fascinate her...
I love my little one for so many reasons!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Grace Laughs!

Yesterday as I was getting Grace ready for bed, she kept smiling at mommy. So I started being silly and she laughed for the first time. This was not a small little noise, she was laughing and laughing and laughing. It was awesome!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gracie's Smile

Pearl used her phone to record Gracie talking (briefly) and smiling when she was watching her this past Tuesday (March 3rd). Enjoy!


This is Grace just last night. She fell asleep with a tight grip on my finger, so we gave her something else to hold on to! This giraffe was a gift to her in the hospital from Chris and Bess. She has enjoyed this toy ever is really the only toy she paid attention to in the first weeks!

- Shana


These pictures of Grace with her dad and mom were taken about a week ago, when Grace turned 2 months. It is amazing to see her grow. I have already had to pack away her newborn clothes. She's getting to be a big girl!

Every morning, she wakes up smiling. I love seeing her smile. When she is really happy, she sticks out her tongue when she smiles and her eyes sparkle. She's made sounds that sound like precursors to a laugh. I am looking forward to hearing her laugh! Pat and I wonder if she will snort when she laughs like she does when she cries! 

We just got some more books for our lil' one. She likes Sandra Boynton board books...and they are fun for me to read too! She is now starting to pay attention to the pages and the reading. 

Grace also loves to be sung the past singing and humming have been the only things that have calmed her down. So I have many made up songs for Grace in my repretoire!

-  Shana