Friday, December 19, 2008

38 Weeks

This my belly as of yesterday, the end of 38 weeks.

I went to the doctor yesterday for my regular check up and am almost completely effaced. My doctor keeps asking if I want to be induced because he goes on vacation after Christmas and he wants to deliver my baby. Of course, I say no. But, I believe Grace is on her way soon. I keep thinking she will be born before Christmas. Only time will tell for sure! Perhaps the next post on this blog will be after her birth!

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. I think of you all often...and I didn't manage Christmas cards this year. My apologies! I hope Santa treats you all well...and that the new year brings love and happiness!

– Shana

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yikes I received a call from my landlord tonight informing me that Pat and I have 2 weeks to clean out all of our stuff currently being stored in the basement. He has decided to convert the basement into another apartment. I don't mind all of this as much as I mind the timing and short notice. It is the last thing I want to be thinking about right now!

Our landlord suggested that we store all of our stuff in one of the rooms of the apartment. Clearly not an acceptable option. We have been making room for Grace for the last few months, I am not about to create upheaval by designating a room of our apartment to be used as a "storage" facility.

He then suggested a storage place about 20 blocks down the road. There are a few problems with that. First, during my brief maternity leave, I get half pay. Aside from various costs that the holidays and preparations for baby have required, my reduced salary also makes paying for storage less appealing. Second, I am the only one of the two of us who drives...and I can't lift any heavy objects now either. So, there's an issue of transporting things to a storage unit as well. Not to mention, finding a storage possibility within 2 weeks time. Strange...2 weeks...that coincides with Christmas...and my due date.

Needless to say, this has been quite an unfortunate and unexpected surprise. And I thought I might get a chance to relax before Grace came! That's looking more and more unlikely!

Ah's a test of my multi-tasking abilities and my ability to remain calm in stressful situations. I have had a few such tests recently. I guess I haven't passed I keep getting retested! Maybe this time's the charm!

Warning to all family and friends- I love you and am thinking of you, but I really am not sure now if I will get to my Christmas cards. I apologize in advance if this is the case. I had every intention of doing so!!!

– Shana

Friday, December 12, 2008

Last Day

Today was my last day in the office. I have been a bit stressed lately, at work and at home. I hope I get a chance to do some relaxing. We'll see. It will depend on when my little girl decides to come into the world.

She has dropped even more so I think. Her head is down and my pelvis is in pain. My ankles are swollen, my feet hurt...and I walk like an old lady when I first stand up. On the subway ride home, I couldn't sit upright. I feel a bit ridiculous.

Though Grace is soon on her way, it is hard for me to wrap my mind around it. I feel a bit anxious, not knowing when she will come, or how the experience will be. I'm feeling scared and nervous, lonely and anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. I hope I get some time to relax and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy.

- Shana

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So we had our last sonogram visit today to get a final verification on Grace's lungs. They doctor said that there was nothing she could see that was of any concern to her. Grace is now six pounds and at the perfect weight for the gestation period. Everything else checked out great as well. Her head is the perfect size, there's the right amount of fluids, her heart is pumping strong and by all accounts the doctor believes everything's well.

Here are her latest photos. On the top is her foot and on the bottom is a profile pic.

Much Love,


Monday, December 1, 2008

Just Around the Corner

Well I am in my 36th week, that's 9 months pregnant. Wow, right? I am still completely overwhelmed by all that needs to get accomplished!

Thanksgiving was great. I spent it with Pat's family at his Aunt Sylvia's lovely home. My friend, Eun-mi, was also in town and joined us for our big dinner. It is really wonderful to have Pat's family so close.

My in-laws also threw Pat and I a baby shower on Saturday. I was surprised so many people attended, especially since it was Thanksgiving weekend. It was really nice to see so many friends and family members excited to welcome our little girl into the world.

With the Thanksgiving holiday, however, came some sadness. I miss my aunts that passed away at this time of year...and without being aware, I always find myself a little sadder come November time.

Now that December is here, I am really missing my family, too. Especially my mom, of course. I wish my mom were here. It's difficult to be experiencing such a major life event without my family near. They mean so much to me...and I have never celebrated a Christmas without them.

Hopefully my never ceasing to-do list will distract me enough!

Our final ultrasound will be this week. I can't wait to see her. Hopefully all is well and our daughter is in good health.

I am so grateful to have a wonderful husband...and I feel so lucky to have a little one on the way. And the tremendous love and support from our family and friends never ceases to amaze me. For those who take a look at our blog every now and again, realize how much you mean to us. Pat and I have been kept quite busy lately...and though you may not get many calls from us as often as we would like, know we think of you often. And we feel very thankful to have you in our lives.

- Shana