Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well, I apologize for the delay in announcing the gender. We have been told that we are expecting a little girl. What has been troubling, however, is that we were asked to return for repeat visits. Apparently there were concerns about the kidneys, the heart, and especially the lungs. We had another ultrasound today and met the specialist (for the first time in the 5 visits). He was not very helpful in explaining his concerns about the lungs...but he wants to refer us to another specialist for a second opinion. Quite frankly, I don't believe this doctor gave a "first" opinion in the first place. He floundered around and I latched on to one thing—CAML. So, after asking questions and getting them inadequately answered by the doctor, I looked up CAML online. Not much is out there and it seems it is quite rare. It is possible that the suspected lung issue is actually something that will resolve itself as the baby develops. However, if the baby does have CAML, it seems it is quite serious. I can't seem to find any definitive information. Just some medical abstracts. In any case, it is so serious that I feel it was quite irresponsible of the specialist to mention without explanation or any clear information. So, I plan to talk to my regular OB and ask him to refer me to a different specialist.

If you pray, please pray for us. In the meantime, all we can do is hope for the best and get a second opinion. I will keep you updated.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I am sorry to hear about the possible diagnosis. If you need anything, please feel free to call. Below I found an article that is in understandable terms and where the prognosis seems better. You were searching CAML, however, I think it should be CCAM because it is considered congenital. I know a NICU nurse, I'll see if she has seen any neonates come through with this and what her experience has been.
