Monday, September 29, 2008

On The Horizon

With all of the worry and concern, I have not really had a chance to post the belly photos. I will work on that in the near future, particularly for those of you far across the stretches of the U.S. I am a pregnant lady and look it. This coming weekend will mark the beginning of the 28th week of pregnancy. I will be 7 months pregnant and moving into the third trimester. Wow. The house is still a complete wreck. My goal is to complete all the organizing and cleaning needed by mid-October. At this point, that goal seems a bit lofty, but it's my goal nonetheless.

I will keep you updated on our baby's health, the state of our apartment, and my ever-changing body. By the way, I began to worry as I put my shoes on this morning how I was going to get winter boots onto my feet in another month or two. I get winded when putting on shoes now!

I read to our baby every night. She has her own Shelfari account. I have not yet updated it to reflect our latest reading, but she is currently reading one of my favorites: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. If any of you have not yet read this, please do so. You won't regret it.

- Shana

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