Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Belly Photos--Countdown!

Thought I would post the belly photos for 32 weeks and 36 weeks. I am about 37 weeks along now...the due date is right around the corner...September 14th! 23 days...

36 weeks (9 months!)
32 weeks (8 months!)

Grace's Summer

Sorry I have not kept this blog up-to-date! We've had a busy summer! Now that there are only a few weeks left before Grace's little sister is due to arrive, I have been in ultra nesting mode and have also kept busy trying to wrap up work. Meanwhile, I have had an energetic preschooler to entertain!

For much of the summer, Grace has spent time in PreK summer school and has had a blast. She's going to summer school where she will also go in the fall, so she is meeting her teachers and some classmates in advance. Luckily, she has loved it so far. She gets so excited about going to school--quite a change from last year! Thank goodness she has good teachers this time around!

Grace also spent the first two weeks of June at a gymnastics camp. She absolutely loved it. So much so, that she has continued to talk about the school ALL SUMMER. Now that I am about 3 weeks from my due date, I am growing more tired and more concerned about how Grace will be entertained. So, thankfully, my in-laws helped us send Grace to one more week of gymnastics camp. She is happily there now and enjoying a full day!

We also enrolled Grace in ballet classes. She has been asking to go to "ballet school" since she could talk--so for about 2 1/2 years! She's finally of age, so we decided to try it out. She also loved ballet. I think she is a born performer--she is so outgoing and very interested in "the stage." She loves to perform, loves to see herself on video performing, and she talks nonstop. Maybe a dancer, an actress, or a TV talk show host are possible futures? She also enjoys the "paparazzi"--she's a bit of a "ham."

On weekends, we do a lot together as a family. This past weekend, we went to a "Kids Day" event where they had a lot of activities for kids and some emergency vehicles that kids could explore. Grace thoroughly enjoyed herself--and the free lollipop she received. Check out the picture--can you tell what color her lollipop was?

All in all, we've kept busy! But boy am I worried about the time between now and the arrival of little sister. I don't know if I will have the energy to keep Grace entertained. And much of the summer activities for kids are winding down now. I will have to get creative!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Belly Photos

For those who are unaware...we are expecting baby #2. I am a little over 7 months along with a due date of September 15th. We are excited as this baby has been long awaited! Thought I would share some belly photos to provide a visual of mommy and baby-to-be:

7 months along (about 1 1/2 weeks ago)

6 months along

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

An Eventful Day

Just wanted to share a day that was a bit tumultuous!

Yesterday, I had a 2 hour drive to attend a training for my new job. I have been leery of driving my 10-year old car and have been saying we really need to find a way to get a new one. I just didn't trust it. On the drive in, I even was thinking I should probably get AAA again since my job will require more driving. I arrived to my training in one piece and spent 7 hours there. Then on the drive back, my car was shaky. I was very scared, but didn't know what to do at 2 hours distance from home. So I continued to drive, hoping I would arrive safely home and could discuss with some of those in the know about cars whether I could ignore this problem (we are on a tight budget lately). I didn't get the chance! I crossed the PA state line and, at 70 mph (the car didn't shake if I took it to 70), heard a loud noise, felt the car drop a bit, and moved over to the only open side--the left shoulder. Now, at 7 months pregnant and having driven 1 1/2 hours without a pee break, my first concern was, "how am I going to go pee if I am stuck in the center of a freeway?" Ha! I checked the car and saw that my tire tread peeled off and my rear fender was hanging down. I called a tow truck, chatted with my mom for about 40 minutes until they arrived, then got a tow home. And a $108 charge. Guess I couldn't ignore the problem! At least I am safe. Thank goodness Grace wasn't in the car...and thank goodness the big rig behind me wasn't riding my tail when it happened!

Backing up a bit---before my car journey home, I also got a call from my doctor. Last Friday, I had to take a 4-hour glucose tolerance test. Yesterday, I also learned that the test results came back and I have gestational diabetes. And the day started so well! I keep thinking to myself, maybe the diagnosis is a good thing. I will need to meet with a dietician and hopefully, I will gain a better understanding of healthy eating habits for diabetics overall (which is important since diabetes runs on both sides--mine and Pat's). I just hope the baby will be okay and will arrive strong and healthy.

What a day, right?!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Latest Antics

Sorry for falling off the radar for a while...we've kept busy! For two weeks, Grace went to a gymnastics summer camp and had a blast. We also took a trip to Sesame Place and the local zoo. We've frequented Mommy and Me Yoga and stopped by the local science center. Today, we went to the farmer's market, then to the art museum. Now, I have to share an anecdote.

While at the art museum, Grace took part in a children's art project (making pop-up cards). A pretty young volunteer was helping her with the project, when Daddy came to join us. Grace was chatting away with the volunteer. Out of the blue, Grace asks, "Do you like my Dad?" Then, "Do you think he's handsome?" (Ha!) As Grace worked on her project, she then looked up at Daddy and said, "You're very handsome Daddy." Kids say the darndest!

Tonight we also took Grace to the local drive-in movie theatre. They were showing Brave and Madagascar 3. I was shocked to find it was PACKED! There seems to be quite a drive-in movie-going culture. Everyone was prepared with chairs and blankets--clearly seasoned veterans of the drive-in. Grace watched all of Brave and was ready for the next one. But it was quite late (the first show started at 9PM!), so we headed home. We may suffer the consequences of a late night out tomorrow...but it was nice to take part in a fond tradition with Grace. And to get out to the movies!

On to the next adventure--ballet class starts this week! We went to visit a couple schools. Grace loved the visits! She didn't want to leave. The school we plan to go to is down the road from Daddy's work. The teacher is very nice and personable. Grace took to her right away. After we spoke with her, she began to teach an adult class. Grace watched and tried to mimic the moves. At one point, Grace began grabbing her foot with her hand and bending it behind her. She looked at me with a serious face, "I need to stretch. I need to get ready." She's been asking to go to ballet since she could talk. We'll see how much she ends up enjoying it!