Sunday, June 24, 2012

Latest Antics

Sorry for falling off the radar for a while...we've kept busy! For two weeks, Grace went to a gymnastics summer camp and had a blast. We also took a trip to Sesame Place and the local zoo. We've frequented Mommy and Me Yoga and stopped by the local science center. Today, we went to the farmer's market, then to the art museum. Now, I have to share an anecdote.

While at the art museum, Grace took part in a children's art project (making pop-up cards). A pretty young volunteer was helping her with the project, when Daddy came to join us. Grace was chatting away with the volunteer. Out of the blue, Grace asks, "Do you like my Dad?" Then, "Do you think he's handsome?" (Ha!) As Grace worked on her project, she then looked up at Daddy and said, "You're very handsome Daddy." Kids say the darndest!

Tonight we also took Grace to the local drive-in movie theatre. They were showing Brave and Madagascar 3. I was shocked to find it was PACKED! There seems to be quite a drive-in movie-going culture. Everyone was prepared with chairs and blankets--clearly seasoned veterans of the drive-in. Grace watched all of Brave and was ready for the next one. But it was quite late (the first show started at 9PM!), so we headed home. We may suffer the consequences of a late night out tomorrow...but it was nice to take part in a fond tradition with Grace. And to get out to the movies!

On to the next adventure--ballet class starts this week! We went to visit a couple schools. Grace loved the visits! She didn't want to leave. The school we plan to go to is down the road from Daddy's work. The teacher is very nice and personable. Grace took to her right away. After we spoke with her, she began to teach an adult class. Grace watched and tried to mimic the moves. At one point, Grace began grabbing her foot with her hand and bending it behind her. She looked at me with a serious face, "I need to stretch. I need to get ready." She's been asking to go to ballet since she could talk. We'll see how much she ends up enjoying it!

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