Thursday, February 4, 2010

Grace Is Growing Up

Grace has been interested in feeding herself with a fork or spoon. When I bring it towards her, she grips it in her hand and carries it to her mouth independently. Today, she took the spoon from me. Then picked up a piece of scrambled egg, placed it appropriately on the spoon and fed herself!

We also played a game of "chase" this morning. As Gracie crawled away from me, I shuffled behind her and said, "I'm going to get you!" She giggled with delight. As she reached the open child gate at the end of the hall, she tried to close it behind her (presumably to get more distance from mommy during our "chase" game...clever, I thought). However, we have it fixed open and she couldn't. She didn't mind it much when I caught up to her though!

I love Grace so's amazing. And I am both excited and saddened by the thought of her getting older. I can't wait to hear her talk and watch her learn and discover more things. Yet. I want every moment to last...I don't want it to fly past. And I certainly don't want it to fly past with me wishing I had spent more time with her...more time enjoying every milestone and discovery. I can't get enough of the little one...and I wish I had more time. Anyone know of a country I can move to where they will pay me to stay home and enjoy my baby? I'll pack my bags.

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