Saturday, August 29, 2009

Grace is 8 Months Today!

Grace has turned 8 months old! Incredible! I feel like she is growing in leaps and bounds. Since she began crawling, she has now tried to pull herself to standing position using the coffee table (but wasn't able to). She has gotten into everything...or has certainly tried. She enjoys playing with our coasters...and tupperware. She is babbling more clearly ("ba ba ba ba"). She has said, "mama," though only a couple times...mainly when she was waiting to be nursed. She recently has done a full arm 'bye bye' wave. This is all just within the last week or two! She can also drink from all sippy cups...on her own.

Miss independent lady! Who knows what she'll accomplish in the coming month! What does month 8 have in store for our little one?

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