Saturday, February 28, 2009


Grace has been a chatty and happy baby lately. Each day I get so excited to come home to her...and her smiling face! 

She is so full of personality! She smiles most when she poops...and yesterday Pat tells me she smiled A LOT!

- Shana

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Grace is going to be 2 months soon...and today she had her first vaccinations. She always takes doctors' visits well. However, she was NOT a happy camper when she had her vaccines. Her face went bright red and she opened her mouth wide in a silent cry. It was painful to see as her mama...but she was okay within 10 minutes. 

Grace is 22 1/2 inches now and weighs 9 lbs 14 oz, which is slightly underweight. She's healthy and raising her head like a pro when on her belly (though she still does NOT like belly time). 
Grace is smiling all the time now. She is also "talking" to us with coos and "gah"s. Sometimes she will be lying down making noises until she realizes no one is talking back to her. If she discovers her conversation is one-sided, she then becomes upset and makes her pre-cursor to a cry sound. I can't wait until she says her first words...she is eager to say them already I think!

Every day I look at her and cannot believe she is my daughter. I am so lucky...and so grateful. It warms my heart each time I see her face. 

- Shana

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Grace is Growing

Grace is growing so quickly! She is cooing more and more and is more alert during the day. She has been sleeping for four hour stretches at night, waking up just once to eat. It would be nice if that continued...but one thing I have learned is babies are unpredictable. They like to keep you guessing as soon as you think you have things figured out!

In one week I return to work. I am really having a hard time with that. I have been crying every time I think of it because I don't want to leave Grace. I feel like I will miss out on too many firsts. I wish I had more time to spend with her. I hadn't realized how crazy about her I would be...even with all her crying and fussiness!

Grace's thrush is clearing up, but her gas issues linger. She's figuring it out, but we still have those rough days where she screams and screams. I continue to assure her that she will be a-tooting like a pro in no time!

The love I feel for my daughter is indescribable. I don't think I would have understood it before I was a mom, even if someone had the right words to explain it. I just feel very lucky to have her in my life. She's the best thing I ever created!

- Shana