Sunday, January 25, 2009

Grace's Arrival

Grace Elyn Montero was born at 2:11 pm on December 29, 2008 weighing in at 7 lbs 9 oz, 20 inches in length.

I began feeling strong contractions at 5:30 am, called Pearl (Pat's mother) at 7 am, and arrived at the hospital just before 8 am. I was 5 cm dilated by the time we arrived, 7-8 cm dilated 2 hours later, and by noon I was pushing. I delivered Grace naturally, after 2 hours of pushing. Labor was painful, pushing was surreal, and recovery was unpleasant...but Grace is worth it all. She is the most beautiful little baby I have ever seen (I suppose all moms think that of their babies). I look at her and am completely overwhelmed by the immense love I feel for her...We are so lucky. We are very happy to have her finally with us at home!

Pat is a great father and has been a wonderful help. He is absolutely in love with his daughter. Grace couldn't have a more loving dad. He's "superdaddy" and our hero!

These two photos were taken at the hospital on her birthday. Grace is already 4 weeks old now. I will upload more recent photos soon!

- Shana (one proud mama)

1 comment:

Alf and Karen said...

Yay! Congratulations on a smooth arrival - you guys are going to be wonderful parents to a very lucky little girl! Many happy birthday wishes to Grace!