Friday, May 4, 2012

Potty Time!

Long ago, we tried to potty train Grace (about 2 years ago, actually). She peed two times, then refused to go. Screamed actually. Dug her heels. And has been doing so ever since.

Today, Grace made pee pee on the potty again. She announced she had to pee, ran to the potty, climbed on, and went! We both cheered and celebrated by calling Daddy, then Ta, then Grampy (the last two per Gracie's request). She went two more times after...Hopefully, this continues this time!

A few potty related quotes from today...

"Come on, pee pee! We're waiting!"

"The toot made my pee pee area stink." (toot=fart)

"Let's make pee pee and poo poo!" (no poo poo in the potty yet!)

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