Monday, November 21, 2011


A couple funny anecdotes...


Grace was giving her trucks a "bath" in the bathroom sink. I warned her she had five minutes to finish up, then two minutes, then time to clean up and get ready for bed. I brought her two jammie options.

Me: Grace, do you want to wear ballerina jammies or polka dot jammies?
Grace (playing with trucks): I don't want jammies Mommy.
Me: It's time to get ready for bed. Which ones? Ballerina jammies or polka dot jammies?
Grace (giving me a cursory glance and saying nonchalantly while playing with trucks): I don't want jammies, but thank you anyway Mommy.


Grace was a bit cranky--tired, hungry. She hadn't napped and had refused to eat dinner (she's in a picky eating phase). She opened the fridge to get a snack, but grabbed chocolate soy milk instead. I told her she couldn't have chocolate until she ate some food. She was understandably upset, but finally ate some food. Then ate ravenously and asked for more. While I prepared more, I told her she could have the rest of her milk since she had had some food. She smiled and drank her milk, then said, "Chocolate makes me happy."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grace's PreK Photo

Not too happy! We are actually looking at switching schools. If not this year, definitely for next year. She begs not to go to school each school day. : (

Chit Chat

We have two little pumpkins left over from Halloween. Grace plays with them. Here's the dialogue:

[Pumpkin 1]: You a orange?
[Pumpkin 2]: I not a orange, I a pumpkin. You a orange?
[Pumpkin 1]: I not a orange, I a pumpkin.


It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To

It's hard to take a tantrum seriously when the tantrum-thrower dons an Elmo party hat.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Time to Give Thanks

It has been a long time since my last post. In that time, we had a miscarriage. This was the third one. It was the hardest one as we were the farthest along this time and had been so hopeful. We have been so lucky to have an amazing kiddo...and love her so much it hurts. We so very much hope for another, but have not had the good fortune of making it happen.

2011 has been a difficult year. The year began with the sudden and unexpected loss of my grandmother, followed shortly thereafter by the startling loss of my uncle. In between I personally experienced great stress at work and missed out on seeing my family many nights. I experienced a health scare. And then this last loss...we were brimming with hope of a little baby and were so excited. It has been a truly difficult time.

Now 2011 is coming to an end...and it is time to reflect on what we are thankful for. It's a reminder, to me at least, that we do certainly have much to be thankful for in the midst of all our sadness this year.

First, I am so incredibly thankful for my little family...Patrick and Grace. Coming home to them is the best part of my day. I am thankful, too, for our extended family, both near and far. For Pat's parents, Grace's Ta and Grand and GG, and the major role they play in Grace's life. She has such a strong relationship with them and loves them so much. And I certainly appreciate all of their support. For my parents, who keep a strong bond over Skype. Grace loves her Grammy and Grampy very much. For our brothers and their families. For our Aunts and uncles and cousins. Family is everything to me and I feel so grateful for the wonderful family we have...on both sides!

Though I have had a stressful year at work, I am grateful that I am employed full time. I work for a great company with the best colleagues and the greatest supervisors. I have grown and learned so much from the company and the company continues to show great respect, professionalism, and appreciation for its employees.

I am grateful for my friends. I know I can reach out to them when I need someone to lean on and to listen.

I am grateful for being in good health (knock wood!). For all of us being in good health (knock knock!).

When I was experiencing the miscarriage, I kept my sadness at bay around Grace and, of course, didn't explain it to her. But, children sense things. She walked up to me while I was in the kitchen washing dishes or cooking something. She patted me on my arm and said, "Mommy, the best year ever. You'll see." I was startled and said, "What did you say?" She repeated with a smile, "The best year ever. You'll see." I hope she's right.

May 2012 be a good year for us all!