Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Shoes!

Gracie loves her new shoes! She, of course, picked them out. I wouldn't pick out anything like this! But she wouldn't take them off...well, that is, until it was bedtime.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekend Jaunts

Saturday is errand day. Patrick headed off to his photography class and Grace and I headed out to run errands. Lately, Grace has been asking for food every 6 minutes it seems (growth spurt?) so I suggested we go to one of her favorite places for lunch--Applebee's (I know, I don't get it either).

Shana: Grace, do you want to go to Applebee's for lunch?
Grace (face lighting up): What a great idea!

This seems to be her new catch phrase. Where she picked it up, I don't know. We headed to Bed Bath and Beyond, Babies r Us, then the grocery store. Headed home only to get her off to bed! Long day!

Today we all went to the Irish Festival. Grace was not in the best mood. She was crying about The Irish Festival was a bit disappointing. Coupled with Gracie's foul mood--well, let's just say we didn't stay for too long!

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Oh Daddy!"

Grace was in the kitchen, listening to music, wearing a tutu and tiara...the usual. She decided she wanted Daddy, so she called out, "Daddy? Oh, Daddy!!!" She yelled again, "Daddy?! Daddy!!"

As we heard his footsteps coming done the hallway, Gracie looked at me and said, "Daddy coming!"

When Daddy walked into the kitchen, Grace shouted happily, "I did it!"

Daddy, "Yes, you did girl."

Grace, "You're welcome!"

Grace's Big Girl Bed

Last weekend, we converted Grace's crib into a "big girl bed"--she was very excited about it!

Now we just need to help her understand when it is okay to get up. One night she woke up at 10 pm, came out of her room and said, "Good morning, Mama!"

Kids Say the Darndest Things, Part Two

While in a department store, Grace suddenly climbs in the middle of a clothing rack. I call for her and call for her and she remains quiet. After a minute or two, she comes to my side, looks up and says, "No more poops." Needless, to say, we found a bathroom shortly thereafter to change her!


Later that same afternoon, I was baking Patrick a cake for his birthday. Grace was in the kitchen with me. She opened a tall cabinet we have and appeared to look for a snack. Next thing I know, Grace is inside the cupboard.

Shana: Gracie, come out of there.
Grace: --
Shana: Grace come on out. Close the cupboard door.
Grace: --
Shana: Grace, are you making poops?
Grace (peeking out of the cupboard and pointing emphatically): No!! Go, Mama! Cook!

Needless to say we made a trip to the changing table again.


Grace and I went to the mall. While there, Grace picked out a pink bear. Since it was on sale, I bought it. When we got home, I put on some music (Grace LOVES music)...but instead of Gracie dancing, she had the bear "dance" and said in a singsong voice: "Go, Bear! Go, Bear! Dance, Bear!"


Grace has a play phone that plays music and rings. When no one has played with the toy, it will occasionally ring out on its own. One evening, as we were getting ready to read stories before getting Grace to bed, Grace was mid-climb up the couch when her toy phone rang. She stopped, climbed down, rushed to her phone and "answered" it: "Hello? Okay. Bye!" Then returned to climbing up the couch for her nightly story time!