Thursday, April 8, 2010

15 month checkup

Grace had a doctor visit today. I always dread taking her..and this time I did it solo. She handled it pretty well at first. She only started to cry when she got on the scale. During previous visits, she would go into hysterics as soon as we entered the exam room. Overall, it wasn't as traumatizing (for mom) as it has been the past couple of times!

The doctor asked about Grace's she walking? running? talking? Grace is walking...not quite running...and definitely talking. The doctor asked how many words Grace can say. I was trying to guess the number (I was thinking it's close to 20, was sure it was over 10)--as I pondered the number, the doctor said, "At her age, I would expect her to say about 3 words." Well.
So it got me many words can Grace say now? Here's a list of what I can think of at the moment...I may forget a few. Note, I am only including those that are consistently well-articulated and used in appropriate context.

(in no particular order)
1. uh-oh
2. mama
3. daddy
4. up
5. bottle
6. ball
7. this
8. hot
9. hat
10. cat
11. moo
12. boo
13. woof
14. cheese
15. clock
16. teeth
17. eyes
18. hi
19. bye bye (though this can sound like buh buh)

Hmmm...I feel like there are more, but I can't recall them at the moment.

A few anecdotes:
  • Grace enjoys reading Goodnight, Gorilla. On the last page a little mouse says "Goodnight, Gorilla." The gorilla responds with "Zzzz." When I read it to Grace, I act out the sleep part by laying my head to the side and snoring. Grace mimics this by laying her head to the side too.
  • Today Grace was reaching for a sharp object. I told her, "No" and pointed a finger. She spent the next five minutes practicing pointing her finger at me and trying to say "No"--she only managed a "Nah" sound. Note to self, limit fingerpointing.
  • Grace loves being scared/startled. A common game we play is that I pretend to not notice her, then I suddenly turn upon her and say "Boo!" Sometimes she jumps if I really sneak up on her. But she giggles hysterically every time. This game doesn't seem to grow old.
  • I hum a superhero song as I have Grace "fly" through the air. When I hum the song while holding her, she automatically assumes the superhero position in my arms (leans over so she can "fly" parallel with the ground).
What an awesome kid right?

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