Sunday, September 27, 2009


Revisit the "August 15th" post; I added video!


Grace is going to be 9 months old in a couple days! This is Grace's picture as of yesterday, September 26th. She is an active, curious, and happy baby. She is always crawling and investigating. She tries to stand every chance she gets! I feel like her 1 year birthday is around the corner. Time just keeps going by faster and faster.

Grace has also started teething. Her bottom teeth are coming in. She is taking it pretty well so far...her nose has been runny, she drools sometimes, and she fusses a little. Hopefully this will be the extent of her discomfort!

Yesterday, we also learned of Grace's cousin's arrival! Julianna Montero was born to Michael and Jennifer Montero. Grace has another cousin to meet! Yay! Babies are awesome! We are so excited for Jenn and Michael. Pat and I are really enjoying parenthood...each day we marvel that Grace is our daughter...and each day brings something new--a new discovery for Grace, a new joy for us.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On the Move

Grace is awesome. What more can I say? I always marvel at what she comes up with. Today, for example, Pat tells me that she was trying to pick up her pacifier, but kept grabbing some of the blanket accidentally, causing her to drop it. Finally, he said she simply leaned over, placed her mouth directly on the pacifier and solved her problem! In the early stages of crawling, I would try to encourage her to practice her movements by placing an object beyond her reach. Instead of crawling to it, she pulled the blanket the object was laying on towards her. Smart little one, right? She's always coming up with something new and unexpected.

She loves peekaboo. I will throw a cloth on my face and say, "Where's mommy?" She'll crawl over and pull the cloth off my face. I will put a cloth on Grace's face and say, "Where's Gracie?" She pulls the cloth off and smiles. I can duck down under a bed...she'll crawl over to see where I am. I can't pull one over on her. She always figures it out...and giggles like crazy over it!

I am crazy about that little girl. I get so excited to see her each morning and am eager to come home to her every night. She's the best!

I just got word that her Uncle Jim, Aunt Gretel, and cousins will be visiting in latter part of October! I can't wait! Grace will love seeing her cousins Jasper and Rose again! She hasn't seen them since June, and she is far more interactive now, so it will be interesting to see how they get along! We are all very excited!