Saturday, August 29, 2009

Grace is 8 Months Today!

Grace has turned 8 months old! Incredible! I feel like she is growing in leaps and bounds. Since she began crawling, she has now tried to pull herself to standing position using the coffee table (but wasn't able to). She has gotten into everything...or has certainly tried. She enjoys playing with our coasters...and tupperware. She is babbling more clearly ("ba ba ba ba"). She has said, "mama," though only a couple times...mainly when she was waiting to be nursed. She recently has done a full arm 'bye bye' wave. This is all just within the last week or two! She can also drink from all sippy cups...on her own.

Miss independent lady! Who knows what she'll accomplish in the coming month! What does month 8 have in store for our little one?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 15th--A New Milestone

Yesterday Garcie crawled for the first time! She was not nearly as excited as her mom and dad. After all, she has been moving around pretty well...doing the inchworm or belly crawl. But on Saturday, Grace moved knees and arms to propel herself forward. Yay! The video here is the closest we got to capturing the event on film.

Now we need to babyproof--pronto!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So what has Grace been up to?

Well, she had her first chance to swim last weekend. Here she is with Daddy. Happy, right? Until her toes touched COLD water. She wasn't too thrilled! I think a heated pool is in her future!

She's as adorable as ever, of course! She is now about 7 1/2 months old! Hard to believe. She's still trying out new finger foods yet...and no teeth yet. She is, as she has always been, very curious...with no sense of danger. Yikes! She makes it a point to give me a tiny heartattack each day!

Grace is also getting into crawling position. Right now she just bounces...and seems to know that she has to move her arms...but she hasn't figured out the legs yet. We need to babyproof pronto! She can move quite well without the added mobility crawling will bring! Who knows what she'll get into! Everything, I imagine! She's a curious and strong-willed little one!