Thursday, April 9, 2009


This is a picture of Grace taken just this morning (via my cell phone). Today Grace was in fine spirits. She spent a great deal of time looking at herself in the mirror...which amused her greatly! She kept smiling and laughing at herself...and occassionally laughing at mom in the mirror, too!

While doing some "belly time," Grace rolled over onto her back. She had done this twice before when she was around 6 weeks old, but has not done it since. So it's exciting to see the "rollover" return! 

Grace is getting bigger and bigger. She is now moving out of her 0-3 month size...and is starting to fit into 3-6 months! I swear she has grown in length in the last couple days! 

All in all, Grace is doing well. Happy. Healthy. Strong. Adorable. Her next doctor's appointment is in 2 weeks, when she is 4 months. She will have her next round of vaccines...poor dear. Hopefully she will take it better this time!

- Shana 

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