Friday, October 17, 2008

Wiggling Machine

So our baby must get her wiggle from her dad. She's been moving like crazy today. Sometimes I fear she moves too little, other times I wonder if a baby can move too much!

On Monday I had a headache and felt a little off and by Tuesday our baby hardly wiggled at all. I tried everything. I ate. She usually moves when I eat. Nothing. I played music. She likes my "Boogie" playlist. Still no movement. I was giving her one hour to move before I called the doctor. I ate something sweet. Nothing. I played her dad's recorded reading of a Dr. Seuss book. Nothing. Finally, I played more music...and felt a little movement. I looked down at my iPod and saw that the song was "You Sexy Thing." She has interesting taste in music. In any case, by that evening she was more active and I was relieved.

Last night she was quite active as well. I got up to use the restroom (as pregnant women are known to do in the middle of the night) and when I layed back down on the bed, it was like a ping pong ball in my belly. Pow on the right. Pow on the left. Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. Back and forth across my belly. I told Pat that I suspect she is practicing the ancient art of KungFu.

Today she was just as active. There was a moment when I had to pause while at work on the computer. Bam. Pow. Wham. My belly was a wide range of constant activity. Finally, I leaned back in my chair and rested my hand on the top of my belly and told her to calm down. She kicked my hand. This went on for a few minutes. Then she seemed to settle a bit. Who knows what acrobatics will take place tonight!

- Shana

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