Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I think our baby has grown since the last doctor's visit. She was 3 lbs 8 oz last week. This week her movements cause my belly to bulge and shift to the right and left. I think she may have rolled over. She had been laying on her stomach, but last night I saw a large round bulge on my left side. I told Pat it was her butt. He thought I was joking, but I was serious. Her movements are heftier now and sometimes startling. I get caught off guard every now and then by their forcefulness. If this is what she can accomplish at half of her birth weight, I don't know what to expect over the next month or so!

- Shana

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Health Update

Today we went back to Cornell for a follow-up. Again the ultrasound lasted over an hour. The first technician had difficulty seeing our baby's lungs clearly, but she could not see the mass. She called in her supervisor. Her supervisor also could not see the lungs very well. Apparently, our baby was laying on her stomach and not positioned well for lung-viewing. In any case, the second person could not see a mass. So she called a doctor. We had to wait a while for the doctor to arrive. When the doctor arrived, she also tried to get a clear picture of the lungs. Though they could not be seen clearly, the doctor did not see a mass either. She told us that the mass regressed. Whether it was completely gone or whether some of it was still there (and just not currently visible to them), this was a good sign. Apparently, once the lesion regresses, it does not come back. Plus the fluids were normal, our baby's weight was normal, and her heart was normal. All good signs. We plan to schedule a visit in 4 to 6 weeks just to make sure all is well. It was relieving to hear that things looked promising.

Our daughter was sure wiggling around a lot throughout the visit. She is currently positioned with her head down and her butt and legs near the lower part of my chest. I feel the most movement on the upper portion of my ever-growing belly and smaller flutters in the lower abdominal region (her arm movement). She doesn't make a lot of large movements, but she is getting more forceful. Though we did not get to take home an ultrasound picture this time, there are similarities in how she appears each time. Often we see her with one arm up, near her head. I wonder if she will sleep with one arm by her head when she is born.

I can't believe we will be meeting her in two months. Time is starting to fly. Soon, I will be a mom. Crazy to think it. That reminds me, I need to start looking for another stocking to hang up for Santa to fill!

- Shana

Friday, October 17, 2008

Weight Gain

My last doctor's visit revealed that I have gained 39 lbs so far during my pregnancy! Yikes! They claim I should gain 35–40 lbs overall. If that were true, I would be looking 9 months pregnant right now. I can tell you I have never seen a lady with a belly as small (that doesn't seem like the right adjective—my belly is a pregnant one...just not a 9 month looking one!) as mine that is in her 9th month!

I must say I have had the worst eating habits during pregnancy. I think Pat has appreciated that. I eat more fruit, more carbs, crave red meat...and don't particularly care for vegetables—salads in particular. I try to do some exercise every morning now...but it can be tough. In any case, I just hope that I don't pack on a load more. I don't trust my ability to maintain my balance while descending the subway stairs on a cold winter's day if I am too top heavy.

That reminds me...I know I said I was going to work on posting belly photos. I am going to work on it. It is on the massive To Do list. We took photos at 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months and now weekly. There is one photo I am trying to locate still and we have not uploaded the last 2 photos. I will post some before delivery...I will promise that much! So, stay tuned!

- Shana

Wiggling Machine

So our baby must get her wiggle from her dad. She's been moving like crazy today. Sometimes I fear she moves too little, other times I wonder if a baby can move too much!

On Monday I had a headache and felt a little off and by Tuesday our baby hardly wiggled at all. I tried everything. I ate. She usually moves when I eat. Nothing. I played music. She likes my "Boogie" playlist. Still no movement. I was giving her one hour to move before I called the doctor. I ate something sweet. Nothing. I played her dad's recorded reading of a Dr. Seuss book. Nothing. Finally, I played more music...and felt a little movement. I looked down at my iPod and saw that the song was "You Sexy Thing." She has interesting taste in music. In any case, by that evening she was more active and I was relieved.

Last night she was quite active as well. I got up to use the restroom (as pregnant women are known to do in the middle of the night) and when I layed back down on the bed, it was like a ping pong ball in my belly. Pow on the right. Pow on the left. Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. Back and forth across my belly. I told Pat that I suspect she is practicing the ancient art of KungFu.

Today she was just as active. There was a moment when I had to pause while at work on the computer. Bam. Pow. Wham. My belly was a wide range of constant activity. Finally, I leaned back in my chair and rested my hand on the top of my belly and told her to calm down. She kicked my hand. This went on for a few minutes. Then she seemed to settle a bit. Who knows what acrobatics will take place tonight!

- Shana


Time is quickly flying by and there is so much to do. We had another doctor's appointment yesterday. Now that we are in the third trimester (I am going into my 30th week this weekend), our OB appointments will be every two weeks. We also need to schedule our ultrasound with the Cornell specialist to check our baby's lungs again. She has been diagnosed with CAML, but the Cornell doctor is very optimistic. We also need to schedule an appointment with the neonatalogist at the hospital where I will be delivering to see if the NICU there can handle any issues that may arise after birth (due to the lung condition). Otherwise we may need to deliver at Cornell. Then, there's the pediatrician hunt. We have to find one soon, so I need to also schedule appointments to interview a couple possibilities.

On top of all this, Pat and I decided to enroll in CBR for cord blood banking. That's quite a costly thing to do...but considering our baby's lung condition and the diseases in both our families, it seemed worth it. I told Pat that we may need to make some Christmas gifts this year...however, I am not sure if we have the time!

Birthing classes are also on the horizon. They begin in November.

And...on top of it all...the house is still a mess and we are combatting the cockroaches too! Yikes. So much.

- Shana

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Still Cleaning

The apartment is still a mess. I have been trying to make progress but it is a slow-going process. Today I decided to make some headway and ended up a bit overheated and dizzy. I am getting a bit more tired as well. So I feel I am racing against time. I want to get so much done before I really struggle to move around. November will be busy for us, so I would definitely like to be done with it all before then.

To top it all...we have a cockroach family that decided to take residence in our kitchen. Yuck.

- Shana