Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Did You Feel That?

July 30th. That was the day I was sure I felt the first movement. I had suspected feeling it earlier, but wasn't sure. On July 30th, near the end of my 18th week, I felt the baby move around a great deal. Patrick asked what it felt like. I had read many descriptions of the feeling—some people described it as a flutter or butterflies. I had a different experience. I told Pat that it felt like an involuntary twitch—a rapid succession of movement that I couldn't control—but in my uterus.

August 26th. Patrick first saw the movement, then felt our baby move. I had recently been able to feel the baby's movement when I placed my hand on my belly. However, whenever I called Pat over to feel it too, the baby wouldn't move anymore. Last night, I was lying on my back and felt the baby moving around. I pulled up my shirt and looked at my belly. The movement was clearly visible with the naked eye. I called Pat into the bedroom. At first I thought the baby wouldn't move again, just as before. But this time, the baby was more cooperative. Movement. Pat could see it. We watched the baby move around for a while, then Pat placed his hand on my belly. The baby didn't move right away, but Pat was patient. Then, he felt our baby move beneath his fingers. I suddenly had a moment of panic—will seeing this freak Pat out, bringing to mind images from movies like Alien? I mean it is a pretty strange sight to see—it's not everyday a creature is visibly rolling around beneath the skin's surface!

- Shana

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