Sunday, August 31, 2008


I am overwhelmed by all the "nesting" I have to do. I am a neat freak and an organized person, however, I do not live with a like-minded individual in this respect. So I am currently living in chaos with our entire apartment in disarray.

"Nesting" sounds so harmless. The term even sounds endearing, cute, quaint. It doesn't really reflect the chaos and stress that comprises the "nesting" that is going on in our apartment!

- Shana

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Did You Feel That?

July 30th. That was the day I was sure I felt the first movement. I had suspected feeling it earlier, but wasn't sure. On July 30th, near the end of my 18th week, I felt the baby move around a great deal. Patrick asked what it felt like. I had read many descriptions of the feeling—some people described it as a flutter or butterflies. I had a different experience. I told Pat that it felt like an involuntary twitch—a rapid succession of movement that I couldn't control—but in my uterus.

August 26th. Patrick first saw the movement, then felt our baby move. I had recently been able to feel the baby's movement when I placed my hand on my belly. However, whenever I called Pat over to feel it too, the baby wouldn't move anymore. Last night, I was lying on my back and felt the baby moving around. I pulled up my shirt and looked at my belly. The movement was clearly visible with the naked eye. I called Pat into the bedroom. At first I thought the baby wouldn't move again, just as before. But this time, the baby was more cooperative. Movement. Pat could see it. We watched the baby move around for a while, then Pat placed his hand on my belly. The baby didn't move right away, but Pat was patient. Then, he felt our baby move beneath his fingers. I suddenly had a moment of panic—will seeing this freak Pat out, bringing to mind images from movies like Alien? I mean it is a pretty strange sight to see—it's not everyday a creature is visibly rolling around beneath the skin's surface!

- Shana

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Big News

April 24th, 2008—that was the day we learned we were expecting a new addition to our family. I had suspicions for some time. Somehow I just felt it. When I did realize that it was a possibility, I discovered that I was quite excited. I was eager to take a pregnancy test to find out for certain, but I was afraid I would be disappointed to learn that I was not pregnant. So, I made myself wait. I gave myself a deadline. The wait seemed like forever. When my "deadline" approached, I couldn't wait any longer. I knew Pat's parents would be over for a barbecue...but I swung by a Rite Aid on the way home from work and bought an E.P.T. pregnancy test anyway. I came home then, greeted everyone, and headed straight to the bathroom.

There were 3 tests in the box. Two of the normal variety, offering a plus or minus sign, and a third that was a new digital test. If you were pregnant, the word "pregnant" appeared, clear as day. I took a normal test. It was positive. I was elated. I went back to join everyone...but found it difficult to contain the news. Finally, I got Patrick alone. I showed him the positive test. He hugged me, perhaps a bit in shock. We returned to the barbecue, but kept the news to ourselves until we could talk about it.

Later that night, I took the digital test. That word appeared: "pregnancy." Clear as day. You can't really second-guess that one. I suppose the rest is history. History in the making. We told our parents the next day. We waited two weeks before telling our brothers, after our first doctor's visit. I didn't realize how much I wanted a baby until our baby came.

- Shana