Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grace's Latest Antics

Grace is awesome. And at 17 months, she's officially a toddling toddler with antics that keep mommy and daddy amused. A few such antics include:
  • Today, Grace and I went to the store to get some fruit and snacks. As I was putting things away in the fridge, Grace dug through the grocery bags, pulled out the plastic-wrapped seedless grapes and used her chompers to gnaw her way to a grape (through plastic and all). Hilarious!
  • Grace LOVES bath time. She knows how to say bath and sign it in ASL. Nothing makes her happier. She will stand at the tub and place her hand under the water, without removing it, until I turn the water off and strip her down!
  • Grace is a dancing machine. She comes up with her own dance moves and will dance to just about any catchy tune (including the ice cream truck music, commercial jingles, or even a humming mommy). Some moves include raising her hands above her head, twisting her shoulders back and forth, stomping her feet, flapping her arms...speaking of flapping her arms...
  • Grace will flap her arms and make "Bac, Bac, Bac" chicken sounds anytime you say the word "chicken." So, guess what she did when we mommy told her we were having "chicken" for lunch?
  • Grace now says something very close to "Thank you" and gets a kick out of hearing "You're welcome" in response.
  • Grace brushes her teeth (and tongue)...and now mimics mommy by bending over and pretending to "spit" in the midst of it. Please note, she does not "spit" into the sink, but onto the floor. The first couple times, she just went through the motion of it. The last time, a little spit did hit the floor. Uh-oh!
  • A short time ago, Grace had a little bit of a diaper rash on her bottom. So, I would allow a little more wait time before putting on a diaper. After we gave her a bath, I dried her with her towel, then let her play with her music table for a minute. Suddenly, I see her walk to the bathroom (not unusual as she is obsessed with the bathroom and the bathtub)...when I followed her, I saw her sitting on the floor. Up she stood and left behind a little puddle of pee. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but one could say this was the first time Grace peed in the bathroom. Now we just need her to do it on the potty. (And spit in the sink).
Every day is a new amusement, a new story to tell...Grace amazes me with her humor, her kindness, her affection, her intelligence (I can't believe how perceptive she is), her memory...what's most amazing is that she's our little girl. She is our joy!