Friday, July 31, 2009

7 Months

Grace is 7 months old now and seems like she will be on the move soon! She has started getting into crawling position, but lunges forward so that her upper body falls. She keeps trying though! We will be in trouble once she figures it out! The tummy roll has already increased her mobility. She can also maneuver pretty well on her tummy and can move at lightning speed! She also enjoys belly time so much that she often flops onto her belly as soon as she is put down. This truly becomes a problem when changing her diaper. Sometimes I feel like I am a calf roper in a rodeo and the calf won. Needless to say, diaper changes are not as quick and easy as they used to be!
We are now in Ohio...this is Grace's third trip via airplane, her third airline (she has traveled Virgin America, Delta, and now Continental), and fourth state (she has been to NJ by car). My oh my!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gracie News

I apologize for not keeping this updated! It has been a busy summer! In fact, we will all be going to Ohio at the end of the week to attend our friends' wedding reception (they married in Italy...would have LOVED to have made that trip!).

Grace can roll over like a pro. She can sit up too. She has even managed to drink from one of her sippy cups. (The other sippy cups she has are a bit more difficult.) She is growing, growing, growing! So is her personality! She has been trying more foods...sweet potato, avocado, apples, peas, pears, acorn squash...and various medleys of each.

Today she met some extended family on her father's side...and was quite the social butterfly. She is (for the most part) a happy baby!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Grace and Pat joined me on a quick business trip to Orlando. This was Grace's second time traveling by plane. Here is a picture of her at Emeril's restaurant at Universal's City Walk. It was crazy weather...torrential rain one minute and crazy heat and humidity another! We had fun though! On Saturday we spent some time at the universal theme parks. where Gracie went on her first ride (a Dr. Seuss carousel ride) and saw her first 4-D show (Shrek). We come home late last night...the poor little one didn't get very good sleep!

Today (Sunday) Grace had her first taste of peas. I must say it didn't go
over too well, though she didn't detest them. We'll have to try again later! She sure does love her cool cup of water though!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

First Taste of Veggies!

Today Grace had her first taste of sweet potatoes! This is her first departure from baby cereal. She seemed to enjoy it well enough. I am making her food rather than purchasing it...and whipping up some pureed sweet potatoes was simple enough! Grace eats with us at the table (when we can manage to eat meals all together) in her booster seat. Note, she is feeding herself. She prefers holding the spoon and can be vocal about having the spoon removed from her hand (perhaps her first word will be "No!" hmmm?). She also has her first sippy cup, she picked one out for herself (very adamantly choosing a purple and yellow one). She has gone through the motions of bringing it to her mouth, though I don't think any liquid actually came out yet!

Living on the Edge

Curious. Stubborn. Strong. Some adjectives to describe our lil' nugget. I am very proud of the strong, inquistive little one...but sometimes her curiousity and daring goes a bit too far for mommy's heart to take. Here she is, living on the edge! Peering into the great depths of her diaper pail below her changing table. She continued to reach her body over the mommy's dismay! Boy, when she learns to crawl/walk, we are in trouble I think!

Independence Day

Gracie and her mom and dad had a low-key 4th of July. We stayed home and barbecued hot dogs for lunch...and chicken kabobs for dinner. Grace was decked out in her red, white, and blue for her first 4th of July (outside the womb).


Gracie has also been eager to spoon feed herself cereal. Here she is showing off her own independence!