Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Half-Birthday Gracie!

Gracie was all smiles this morning...and toots...even though I woke her up. She's still adjusting to east coast time after her CA trip! However, she's been in good spirits! Unfortunately, today she has been showing signs of a cold. Her nose is runny and red...her eyes are red and watery and she's been sneezing. Yet, she still smiles. I hope it doesn't get any worse. We were scheduled to go to the doctor for vaccinations Thursday. We may end up going to check on her illness. Poor nugget! Not a great way to spend a "half" birthday!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Traveling Baby

Grace took her first flight on Friday, June 19. Here she is on the Virgin America flight from JFK to LAX. She was an awesome traveler! Even with the long trip in the rental car from LAX to my home town! She was a trooper!

Grace spent 6 days in CA, meeting Mommy's family and friends. Grace was kept busy 'looking cute'...she made the task look quite easy though. She met Grandma and Grandpa for the first time. She also met her Aunt Gretel and cousins Jasper and Rose for the first time too.

Grace was a happy camper surrounded by family on Saturday, June 20th. She met her Great Grandma, Great Aunts, Great Uncle, cousins and second cousins, cousins once removed, etc. Her cousin made her a quilt that she loves and slept with for the rest of her CA stay! Grace was spoiled with other gifts too...adorable dresses she can't wait to try on!

Sunday she had breakfast with another cousin then attended the wedding of her mommy's good friend Jeremy and his beautiful bride, Vanessa. She met many of Mommy's friends there, then snoozed as Mom and Dad danced the night away.

Monday was spent with Uncle Jim, Aunt Gretel, and cousins Jasper and Rose, then to the movies in the afternoon (her first time at the theatre since she was born...Mommy's too!). Grace does NOT recommend Year One.

Tuesday Grace went to her Grandma's office and met many ladies who couldn't resist her giggle. Grace was a hit at the office, and she enjoyed herself very much!

Wednesday Grace met more cousins and second cousins and cousins once removed. She received some great gifts direct from Ireland! Thank you!

Thursday morning we visited Mommy's good friend, Tamalyn, and had a delicious breakfast before heading to the airport to return home. Grace did not enjoy the return flight as much...tears were shed...cries were heard. Overall, we made it and Grace was smiling when she woke up in NY Friday!

Thanks to all the family and friends who came out to visit Grace and say hello! We were so excited to see everyone and so glad Grace was able to meet her awesome relatives!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Moving Along

Grace was in great spirits today. While spending time on the floor mat, she flipped over to her belly and maneuvered herself around the mat, using her arms, wiggling her belly, and flapping her legs. It's exciting to think she'll be crawling soon!

Today Grace also ate rice ceral from a spoon today. It took a little getting used to, and half of the cereal ended up on her bib, but we managed it! I think she's getting the hang of the spoon! We'll see how she does tomorrow!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Grace has now had her first taste of cereal! We first attempted to give Grace rice cereal on Tuesday. She was not interested at all. But we tried again yesterday, June 11th. At first she was happy to see her bottle before bed time. After her first gulp, she scrunched up her face and let go of the bottle, milky cereal streaming down the side of her mouth. I tried again...and she took it, drank it down, and that was that. Tonight she had more. It's hard to believe, but she is 5 1/2 months old already!

Grace's next big adventure? Her trip to California! Next Friday we all go out to California so Grace can meet all of her mommy's relatives (most of them anyway)! Can't wait! Hopefully the flight goes well!