Friday, May 29, 2009

Look Ma!

Hands-free feeding (for mommy that is).

Look At Her Now

'Here's looking at you kid.'

Grace is checking out her new toy...and my, what a cute baby in the mirror!

Believe it or not, Grace is 5 months old today! Time flies! She's still adorable and chatty as can be. She's got a strong grip and can sit up pretty well (still with support).

Thursday, May 14, 2009


By the end of 3 months...
- Grace holds her own bottle
- grasps things
- holds her head up like a pro
- sits upright when propped
- some attempts to roll over

Now, at 4 1/2 months...
- Grace can scoot around while on her back
- grasps more accurately/has improved depth perception
- more vocalizations
- more eye to eye contact

Monday, May 11, 2009

Grace Update

Last Thursday was Grace's first trip into the city. It was her first subway ride and her first elevator ride up to the 8th floor of my Soho office. I introduced Grace to many coworkers. Overall, it was a pretty successful excursion, especially considering the trip took place during her naptime. 

Grace has become more aware of the cats now. She watches fur sister Kitty and is delighted by her tail. Kitty has always been interested in Grace and wants to cuddle with her. Kitty might feel differently though once Grace decides to grab at her!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Grace Update

We went to the doctor yesterday for Grace's vaccines. She still cried, but far less than the last time. She kept smiling at her doctor, who commented on what a happy baby she is. Her doctor also praised her for being so strong; holding her head up like a champ when on her belly.

Grace weighed in at 12lbs 4oz this visit and measured 23 3/4 inches. 

This is Gracie just this morning- she wakes up with a smile!